Tell Wolfram Alpha that a variable is a natural number

Just add an "assuming x integer" at the end. I tested it, and it seems to work. (similar to Maple's notation assuming x::integer, I guess) For natural it doesn't seem to work properly: assuming x natural

As dirty as this is, I've used modulus 1 to force numbers to be integers. Combine with a >= 0 restriction and you can reach Natural numbers.


It depends on how you are trying what it is you are trying to solve. Telling Mathematica that something is an integer has a different syntax depending on what you are trying to do.

Assuming that you are using the "Solve" function, it would look like this:

Solve[(x - 3/2) (x - 2)== 0 && x \[Element] Integers]

EDIT. After 6 years, the website has changed and this no longer works. However,

 Solve (x-3/2)(x-2)=0 for x integer

seemed to work, as you can can see here.

Solve[ ..., Element[..., Integers]]