Pass data or modify extension html in a new tab/window

Solution 1:

Although you can directly access DOM of your own extension's page opened in a new tab/window by using chrome.extension.getViews (or even simpler if was used), but it's the approach from the times when UI was primitive so it won't work if your opened page uses a presentation framework. Moreover, when used from the popup you would have to open the tab in background first (active:false in the parameters of chrome.tabs.create), otherwise the popup will auto-close so no further code would run, which is unfortunately still unreliable because another extension may force-activate the tab.

The reliable/proper approach is to pass the data to the other page and let it handle the data inside its script that's loaded in that page html via the standard <script src="other-page.js"></script>.

1. MV2: HTML5 localStorage + synchronous access

Use if you need to access the data during loading inside the other page before the first painted frame e.g. to choose a light/dark theme.

Disadvantage: big amounts of data could noticeably slow down a budget device and you'll have to JSON'ify the non-string types such as objects or arrays.


localStorage.sharedData = JSON.stringify({foo: 123, bar: [1, 2, 3], theme: 'dark'});
chrome.tabs.create({url: 'other-page.html'});


let sharedData;
try {
  sharedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.sharedData);
  if (sharedData.theme === 'dark') { = 'background: #000; color: #aaa;';
} catch (e) {}
delete localStorage.sharedData;

2. MV2/MV3: URL parameters + synchronous access

Use if you need to access the data during loading inside the other page before the first painted frame e.g. to choose a light/dark theme.

Disadvantage: a long url in the address bar and you'll have to JSON'ify the non-string types such as objects or arrays.


  url: 'other-page.html?data=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({foo: [1, 2, 3]})),


let sharedData;
try {
  sharedData = JSON.parse(new URLSearchParams('data'));
} catch (e) {}
// simplify the displayed URL in the address bar
history.replace({}, document.title, location.origin + location.pathname);

3. MV2: Background script's global variable + synchronous access

Use if you need to access the data during loading inside the other page before the first painted frame e.g. to choose a light/dark theme.

Disadvantage 1: the need for a background page.

Disadvantage 2: the need to deep-clone the objects by using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) or a custom deepClone that works properly for cross-window contexts because none of the popular deepClone implementations do it AFAIK: specifically it should use the target window's reference of the object constructor.


"background": {
  "scripts": ["bg.js"],
  "persistent": false


// ensure the non-persistent background page is loaded
chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(bg => {
  // using JSON'ification to avoid dead cross-window references.
  bg.sharedData = JSON.stringify({foo: 123, bar: [1, 2, 3], theme: 'dark'});
  chrome.tabs.create({url: 'other-page.html'});


// if this tab was reloaded the background page may be unloaded and the variable is lost
// but we were saving a copy in HTML5 sessionStorage!
let sharedData = sessionStorage.sharedData;
if (!sharedData) {
  const bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
  sharedData = bg && bg.sharedData;
  if (sharedData) {
    sessionStorage.sharedData = sharedData;
// using JSON'ification to avoid dead cross-window references.
try {
  sharedData = JSON.parse(sharedData);
} catch (e) {}

4. MV2/MV3: Background script relay messaging in two hops

Use if you need to perform a sequence of actions in the background page of which opening the tab is just the first step. For example we need to pass the data in the second step.

The background page is needed because the popup would be closed and its scripts won't run anymore when an active tab opens in the same window where the popup is displayed. One might think that creating a tab with active: false would solve the problem but only until a user decides to install another extension that overrides tab opening behavior. You would think you could open a new window but again there's no guarantee some other extension doesn't re-attach the new window's tab into the existing window thus closing your popup.

Disadvantage 1: in Chrome the data is JSON'ified internally so it nukes all the nonstandard types such as WeakMap, TypedArray, Blob, etc. In Firefox they seem to be using structured cloning so more types can be shared.

Disadvantage 2: we're sending the same data message twice.

Note: I'm using Mozilla's WebExtension polyfill.


"background": {
  "scripts": [
  "persistent": false


  action: 'openTab',
  url: '/other-page.html',
  data: {foo: 123, bar: [1, 2, 3], theme: 'dark'},


function onTabLoaded(tabId) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    browser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function onUpdated(id, change) {
      if (id === tabId && change.status === 'complete') {

browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (msg = {}, sender) => {
  if (msg.action === 'openTab') {
    const tab = await browser.tabs.create({url: msg.url});
    await onTabLoaded(;
    await browser.tabs.sendMessage(, {
      action: 'setData',


<!doctype html>
<p id="text"></p>
<!-- scripts at the end of the page run when DOM is ready -->
<script src="other-page.js"></script>


chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender) => {
  if (msg.action === 'setData') {
    document.getElementById('text').textContent = JSON.stringify(, null, '  ');
    // you can use only inside this callback
    // and you can save it in a global variable to use in the code 
    // that's guaranteed to run at a later point in time

5. MV2/MV3:

See the example for in this answer.