Where is monitor configuration stored in Ubuntu 13.04 [closed]

I have an Ansible script that runs through and sets up a new install of Ubuntu 13.04. I would like to change configuration related to my monitors and switch mirror monitors off and configure dual monitors. Where does configuration get stored for monitor preferences?

I know you can go to System Settings > Displays and uncheck Mirror displays. I want to have script or command to do this in automated way.

This is not actually an Ansible question, but indeed an Ubuntu configuration question or even a Gnome question.

Check ~/.config/monitors.xml for this.

These URLs have some more specific information:


Quote from the first URL:

Edit this file

sudo nano ~/.config/monitors.xml

To fix the specific issue i had, edit the clone setting to yes



In your case it would contain a mirror tag or the like.

No Ubuntu desktops in my home at the moment, not tested :(