UTF-8 text is garbled when form is posted as multipart/form-data

Solution 1:

I had the same problem using Apache commons-fileupload. I did not find out what causes the problems especially because I have the UTF-8 encoding in the following places: 1. HTML meta tag 2. Form accept-charset attribute 3. Tomcat filter on every request that sets the "UTF-8" encoding

-> My solution was to especially convert Strings from ISO-8859-1 (or whatever is the default encoding of your platform) to UTF-8:

new String (s.getBytes ("iso-8859-1"), "UTF-8");

hope that helps

Edit: starting with Java 7 you can also use the following:

new String (s.getBytes (StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Solution 2:

Just use Apache commons upload library. Add URIEncoding="UTF-8" to Tomcat's connector, and use FileItem.getString("UTF-8") instead of FileItem.getString() without charset specified.

Hope this help.

Solution 3:

I got stuck with this problem and found that it was the order of the call to


that was causing the problem. It has to be called before any all call to request.getParameter(), so I made a special filter to use at the top of my filter chain.
