Firebase invalid api key error in console
Solution 1:
Your API key is invalid, please check you have copied it correctly
This error can be showed for many reasons. I want to explain how I resolved this issue.
Firstly, I copied firebaseConfig variable clicking copy button for my website and kept it under my source folder making a file named firebase.config.js
export const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: 'AIzaSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
authDomain: 'fir-axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
projectId: 'fir-axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
storageBucket: 'fir-axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
messagingSenderId: '106xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
appId: '1:1064xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
Secondly, I called firebaseConfig variable by importing it in my App.js
import { firebaseConfig } from './firebase.config';
Finally, I used this variable in this line below.
If you get something helpful from this solution please press on upvote. Thank you.
Solution 2:
First of all install firebase and then
Import firebase at first as import firebase from 'firebase';
or in js script.
The below code is used to connect the app to firebase this includes the id and all the details to connect firebase.
const config ={
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "XXXXXX2",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "5..........",
appId: "1:52807............."
export default firebase;
Solution 3:
export const environment = {
production: false,
firebaseConfig: {
apiKey: "AIzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
authDomain: "chxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
projectId: "chxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
storageBucket: "chxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
messagingSenderId: "7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
appId: "1:7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
measurementId: "G-xxxxxxxxx"
add this in your environment.ts