What is the term/expression for when someone responds with a complaint vs an answer to a question? [closed]

I’m trying to find the term or expression to describe the behaviour when someone responds to a simple question with a complaint vs the answer.


Person A:) (setting the table, trying to get the right count of place settings ) “Is Becky here for dinner tonight?”

Person B:) (hostile response) “I’ve told you 10 times, Becky is on night shifts on Wednesdays!”

Note it often requires the first person to re-ask the question as no clarity was provided in the response... which just causes more disgruntlement.

I’m guessing the term is close to “belittle” or “disparage” but I suspect there is a more accurate term.

Others may find more suitable words but, to me, person B seems to be captious or carping, probably both. Most dictionaries will give you meanings similar to:

captious = an ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections

carping = marked by a querulous and perversely critical attitude.