The meaning of “afterlift” [closed]

Solution 1:

It looks as though the author has invented the word.

When you smile, the corners of your mouth 'lift', so presumably he means that Francine had been smiling and the last trace of the expression was still visible on her face.

Solution 2:

It seems to follow the pattern of afterglow.

OED: Afterglow

2.a. The remnant or residue of something; (now esp.) a pleasant feeling remaining after a successful or happy experience.

1960 Victorian Stud. 3 332 Writing in the afterglow of evolutionary theory, Frazer saw religion and magic as a kind of primitive science.


afterburn, n.

1. A lingering burning sensation. In later use esp.: a warm sensation in the mouth or throat caused by hot or spicy food or strong alcoholic drink.

1992 Texas Monthly Jan. 160/2 Spicy chicken, studded with scallions and green peppers and heaped with peanuts, is tender and deceptively warm, with a satisfying afterburn.

i.e. something that remains after the main action of the verbal noun.

Solution 3:

Yes, it looks like a word invented by the author, the 'lift' of a smile on the face combined with afterlife to create afterlift, he seems to want to say that the smile was there, but faint like a ghost