Word for simple list of fixed choices

What is the correct word for a fixed list of choices?

Something that appears in a select box in a computer application or as titles around a knob on a device. Like, music genre list in iTunes or equalizer presets on a guitar combo.

These are lists that would be held in a single-column database table. I would like to have an encompassing word for all such tables.

  • Is it codebook? There is no encoding taking place.
  • dial? Too much resembling an actual piece of hardware.
  • lookup table may sound good, but there is no lookup. It is just a list of choices.

What word do software/database architects use to describe those? What is the label of a menu item in an administrative interface of an information system?

When writing such code I refer to the displayed list as the menu (a term that you used in your question), and to the items within the list as options. Whether the options are selected from a menu displayed as static list, a dropbox list or as radiobuttons is of secondary interest.