(noun + verb) data vs (nount + verb) THE data [closed]

In an example sentence, "the" was excluded on the sentence "[Noun + verb] data". But I think "the" should be included. Can anyone please confirm and enlighten me.


“Do not delete data” = do not delete any data.

“Do not delete THE data” The data =

  1. that data that I, you, or we have already spoken of.

  2. that data that someone else has told us both about.

  3. that data of which we are both, from experience, already aware.

  4. that data which I am now, or will be, indicating.

  5. that data to which I am now, or will be, referring.

Please bear in mind that if you approach a stranger in the street and say

(A) "The cat is trapped", he will look at you as if you were mad. He will reply: "Which cat are you talking about?"

(B) "A cat is trapped", he will understand and be concerned. He will reply: "Where is it trapped?"

(C) "The moon is bright." He will understand and agree with you, because everyone knows of the moon.

The is used to qualify words that have been specified or that both the speaker and listener are aware of.