How can I monitor internet usage in my network? [closed]

I need to know which computer is consuming my bandwidth. Is there a tool to do this?

If you want to graphically display your local network connections, you may be interested in etherape. Free and cross platform. The thickness of the connection is an indicator of traffic volume.

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At the router level would be the easiest as it wouldn't involve installing software on each machine separately. Tomato Firmware is great and automatically monitors bandwidth in the logs section, you can use it along with IPTables (Linux) for a complete traffic monitoring solution. Since you are probably on Windows, you can use it in a VM as well.

For a software solution for each computer, take a look at the freeware tool NetLimiter, the bandwidth monitor is free:

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The Windows Resource Monitor on 7 (and Vista?) has grown quite advanced in what it shows under "network".

Resource Monitor

I could not find a lot of free ones to monitor all the entire network with one application, except maybe Spiceworks:

There are plenty that can monitor each computer you install it on. A couple are:

If you want to find others, Google "monitor bandwidth usage on network" (without the quotes)

Now as far as limiting them, I did not find any software, because most of the time, that is handled by the router. After all, it is easier to do there since all traffic has to go through it, otherwise, you would need an application on each PC to limit bandwidth usage.

I am sorry to say that I looked through your manual, and your router has no features to limit bandwidth or quality of service.

TCPView allows you to see the connections. Process Monitor can help you filter on actual data transfer.

Wireshark goes to the level showing you the packets in detail. Fiddler2 is in specific for HTTP transfer.