Meme Generator for Ubuntu 14.04

I want free meme generator application just for fun. Is there any for Ubuntu 14.04. I have searched software center and Google but could't find it!

You actually have two options,

  1. Meme Ninja. It is a simple meme creator application and is still under development. For installing type,
    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/gambas3 $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install gambas3-runtime $ wget -c $ sudo dpkg -i MemeNinja-Alpha.deb $ sudo apt-get install -f

To add custom meme images, paste them to: /usr/share/meme-ninja/Characters
To add new frames, paste them to: /usr/share/meme-ninja/Frames
To add new effects, paste them to: /usr/share/meme-ninja/Text Styles

Source : Install Meme Ninja

2.Memes! Memes! It is an easy, simple nad fast meme generator for Ubuntu. It comes with some default templates and the ability to use custom images to create your own memes. Link : Memes Launchpad