Python: How to match nested parentheses with regex?

I'm trying to match a mathematical-expression-like string, that have nested parentheses.

import re

p = re.compile('\(.+\)')
str = '(((1+0)+1)+1)'
print p.findall(s)


I wanted it to match all the enclosed expressions, such as (1+0), ((1+0)+1)...
I don't even care if it matches unwanted ones like (((1+0), I can take care of those.

Why it's not doing that already, and how can I do it?

Solution 1:

As others have mentioned, regular expressions are not the way to go for nested constructs. I'll give a basic example using pyparsing:

import pyparsing # make sure you have this installed

thecontent = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphanums) | '+' | '-'
parens     = pyparsing.nestedExpr( '(', ')', content=thecontent)

Here's a usage example:

>>> parens.parseString("((a + b) + c)")


(                          # all of str
  (                        # ((a + b) + c)
    (                      #  (a + b)
     ['a', '+', 'b'], {}   
    ),                     #  (a + b)      [closed]
   ], {}
  )                        # ((a + b) + c) [closed]
 ], {}  
)                          # all of str    [closed]

(With newlining/indenting/comments done manually)

Edit: Modified to eliminate unnecessary Forward, as per Paul McGuire's suggestions.

To get the output in nested list format:

res = parens.parseString("((12 + 2) + 3)")


[[['12', '+', '2'], '+', '3']]

Solution 2:

There is a new regular engine module being prepared to replace the existing one in Python. It introduces a lot of new functionality, including recursive calls.

import regex

s = 'aaa(((1+0)+1)+1)bbb'

result ='''
(?<rec> #capturing group rec
 \( #open parenthesis
 (?: #non-capturing group
  [^()]++ #anyting but parenthesis one or more times without backtracking
  | #or
   (?&rec) #recursive substitute of group rec
 \) #close parenthesis



['(1+0)', '((1+0)+1)', '(((1+0)+1)+1)']

Related bug in regex:

Solution 3:

The regular expression tries to match as much of the text as possible, thereby consuming all of your string. It doesn't look for additional matches of the regular expression on parts of that string. That's why you only get one answer.

The solution is to not use regular expressions. If you are actually trying to parse math expressions, use a real parsing solutions. If you really just want to capture the pieces within parenthesis, just loop over the characters counting when you see ( and ) and increment a decrement a counter.