Why is it called hypochondria instead of hyperchondria? [closed]
If hyper essentially means excessive and hypo means the opposite then how does this word make and sense?
It seems like some people decided to improperly make a word out of Greek terminology but admittedly I can't translate it very well or find a good source. I did read something about it meaning under the breast bone somewhere, which hypo (under) makes sense, but I can't find it anymore.
Solution 1:
It is named after the hypochondrium, the uppermost part of the abdomen. This was believed to be the region of melancholy and morbid feelings -- such as thinking you are sick when you aren't.
Solution 2:
According to dictionary.com
Hypochondriac comes ultimately from the Greek word hypokhondria, which literally means “under the cartilage (of the breastbone).” In the late 16th century, when hypochondriac first entered the English language, it referred to the upper abdomen.
It derives from the Greek word:
υποχονδρία < αρχαία ελληνική ὑποχόνδριος (ὑπό + χόνδρος)
ὑπό = sub, under, insufficient
χόνδρος = chondriac, or as @Mary said, the uppermost part of the abdomen
To understand better, the word "hyper" or "υπέρ" has a different meaning.
υπέρ = hyper, super, over, excessive
Therefore, υπέρ ≠ ὑπό