power menu does not have shutdown and restart

I have Ubuntu 11.04 and I works perfect.

I do not know what happened but for no reason the logout, restart and shutdown options disappeared from power menu.

I did restart it more than one time maybe it will solve the problem. also, I did all the updates and still the same thing.

I check the gconf-editor on /apps/indicator-session, all the options of suppress_* is not checked.

I've also tried purging the session indicator packages before reinstalling them:

sudo apt-get purge indicator-session indicator-applet-session
sudo apt-get install indicator-session indicator-applet-session ubuntu-desktop

I do not know when this problem happened but 2 weeks ago was every thing fine.

Solution 1:

There is an existing bug report for this problem but it has not been updated or fixed.

It may be worth temporarily moving ~/.config/dconf/user to ~/.config/dconf/user.old and rebooting to see it that makes a difference as it may be due to something being locked down.