Jump to next white space

Instead of using w to jump to the beginning of the next word or using e to jump to the end of the next word I want to have a shortcut which jumps to the next whitespace between words.

  • Use f and then space. See :help f and :help t for that.
  • Alternatively use /[[:space:]] or /\s if you want to also match tab.
  • otherwise El will do it (capital e and lowercase L).

Following a suggested edit that was rejected, here is how to do it backwards (jump to previous space):

  • Use F and then space. See :help F and :help T for that.
  • Alternatively use ?[[:space:]] or ?\s if you want to also match tab.
  • otherwise Bh will do it (capital b and lowercase h).

On the same line :

fSpace will work.

Generally, f+<char> allows you to jump on the next character on the same line.

See :help f for more information.

as mentioned: you can use f and then Space but then use ; to hop to all the remaining spaces. My sequence is then often:


The semicolon is a repetition for the f-key (find char in Line)