Error: Could not find included file 'Generated.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')

Solution 1:

Try running flutter build ios and then rerun in Xcode

Solution 2:

I assume you have already ios/ folder in your Flutter project. If not, you can run flutter build ios.

The root cause of this error most of the times happens after you have cloned a project like from Github.

In order to fix, you need to get the packages and install the pods.

flutter clean && flutter pub get && cd ios/ && pod install 

(In some situation you might need to update your Pod Repo and Pods. You can do that via running pod repo update && pod update)

Solution 3:

Please follow these steps/run commands

  1. flutter clean (in terminal)
  2. flutter build (in terminal)
  3. In Xcode, then clean project
  4. In Xcode, then build project

The error should have gone now :)

Solution 4:

Why does this error occur?

This error occurred when creating multiple builds types for App. Development and production build on 2 different firebase server. After we have done with all the setup and tried to run the build it, this error pops up on Xcode.

The solution to this depends on what steps you took before this error arrives

  1. If you are getting this error without running flutter build ios then first try to this

    1. Run  flutter build ios to create a release build

    2. To ensure that Xcode refreshes the release mode configuration, close and re-open your Xcode workspace. For Xcode 8.3 and later


  1. If you use flutter build ios when you receive the error? then try to this Solution

    On Terminal type:

    flutter clean
    flutter build

    And on Xcode:

    Product >> Clean Build Folder
    Product >> Build