How to change the Django admin filter to use a dropdown instead of list?

Solution 1:

Thanks @beholderrk, @gediminas and @jk-laiho! I packaged this into a reusable app.


pip install django-admin-list-filter-dropdown

Enable in


Use in

from django_admin_listfilter_dropdown.filters import (
    DropdownFilter, ChoiceDropdownFilter, RelatedDropdownFilter

class EntityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_filter = (
        # for ordinary fields
        ('a_charfield', DropdownFilter),
        # for choice fields
        ('a_choicefield', ChoiceDropdownFilter),
        # for related fields
        ('a_foreignkey_field', RelatedDropdownFilter),

Here's what it looks like:

Screenshot of dropdown list filter

Solution 2:

I cannot comment answers so I'll add to beholderrk's answer here.

  1. create a new template called dropdown_filter.html or similar
  2. copy the code of filter.html from feincms to dropdown_filter.html
  3. create a new filter class in

    from django.contrib.admin.filters import AllValuesFieldListFilter
    class DropdownFilter(AllValuesFieldListFilter):
        template = 'admin/dropdown_filter.html'
  4. now you can use this filter in your admin class:

    class SomeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        # ...
        list_filter = (('country', DropdownFilter),)

Works great!