Unable to ping Active Directory Server with Domain Name
Domain Controller - Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Client OS - Window Server 2003 ( Terminal Server )
I am unable to ping my Active Directory Domain Name i.e corp.abc.com. ( Please see the print-screen )
I am successfully able to nslookup & ping my DC server ip address ( Please see the print-screen )
I am also attaching print-screen of IP configuration.
Can you tell me why i am unable to ping, but successfully able to resolve through nslookup command and also able to ping with DC server ip address
Solution 1:
You can also use following command to resolve this problem.
1) net stop dnscache
2) net start dnscache
Solution 2:
Ping uses the DNS Client service and I think nslookup establishes a winsock connection. Try to stop DNS client service to see if it might help. Make sure you are trying to ping from a client that is joined with the ADC.
Use these commands to reset some of the network states:
As Torai suggested try to flush DNS resolver cache : ipconfig /flushdns
Reset TCP/IP stack to defaults : netsh int ip reset reset.log
Flush routing table : route /f (reboot required)
Reset WINSOCK entries to defaults : netsh winsock reset catalog
I hope that helps.