What use is the sniper rifle in Mass Effect 3?

I'm wondering if ME3 is like ME2. All encounters are pretty much close or medium range, so the sniper is pretty much unused during the game.

So is it good to carry the ME3 sniper around? I'm asking because they are heavy and I would need this extra reload time on my abilities.

Solution 1:

If you're an Infiltrator or Soldier you get a "time dilation" effect with the sniper rifle which slows down time. Soldiers have to use the Adrenaline Rush ability to slow down time which can allow you to take a careful headshot or two, Infiltrators actually get a passive slowdown every time when you're scoping with a Sniper Rifle.

The slowed time allows you to take headshots easier, in addition these classes have a high weight allowance, so carrying around Sniper Rifles isn't as detremental to your cooldown.

Infiltrators get additional benefits for Sniper Rifles, as their Operational Mastery skill increases the sniper damage and time dilation effects at certain levels. Tactical Cloak also allows you to take your time to get a good headshot while dealing extra damage to boot.

You'll never really be at extreme range, but the extra damage a sniper does comes in handy if you can headshot a humanoid foe. If you're not a good shot or you're not playing soldier or infiltrator you probably shouldn't bother with Sniper Rifles because of the weight issue you note.

Solution 2:

As an infiltrator I try to position my squad mates closer to the front under cover and I back them up with the sniper rifle. Snipers really do a ridiculous amount of damage if statted properly and the melee bonuses on some of the infiltrator skills make for an interesting combination. Once you get the Black Widow 1 you'll probably be killing anything without major defenses in one shot.

The only real challenge with snipers is hitting moving targets and ammo conservation. If you get down to melee you're generally hitting F9 at that point...