Repeating "to" in a list of verbs connected by "and"

"This group’s main duties are to carry out information systems audits in Colombian banks and to make research and develop new regulations on information technologies and systems in the banking sector."

Should I put a "to" behind "develop"? Or are any other commas needed?

Solution 1:

It would better be:

... in Colombian banks, to undertake research and to develop new regulations ...

Note that in your version, and is used twice. Unless you meant to say 'research and development' as a single task, you will have to use a comma as above.

As for the to, yes, it is needed, again unless you meant to say 'research and development' as a single task.

On the other hand, if you had meant 'research and development' as a single task:

in Colombian banks and to undertake research and development of new regulations ...