How do I connect github to JIRA?


For integrating with Bitbucket, GitHub and GitHub Enterprise, check out the following link:

Linking Bitbucket and GitHub accounts to JIRA


JIRA GitHub Connector is deprecated:

This plugin has been superseded by the JIRA DVCS Connector, which includes GitHub functionality.

So to connect Jira to github use JIRA DVCS Connector for Bitbucket and GitHub:

You can connect Bitbucket or GitHub accounts with JIRA using the free JIRA DVCS Connector plugin. This plugin comes with JIRA OnDemand. For JIRA download users, this is a system plugin that you can install. Using the DVCS connector, you can:

  • Link all or a subset of your existing repositories (both public and private to JIRA).
  • Create new repositories and have them link automatically to JIRA.
  • Reference JIRA issues from DVCS commit message and have those commits appear in the issue's Commits tab in JIRA.
  • Transition issues through a JIRA OnDemand workflow (for example, Close, Reopen, and so forth) using smart commit messages.

check out Using the JIRA DVCS Connector Plugin for more information.

Atlassian has a plugin on GitHub to connect the two:

Looks like it adds a project setting to point to a GitHub project and a tab that will show your commits in GitHub.

In addition you can also define Webhooks on the GitHub site that do a POST-Request to other Webservers. Have a look here:

On the JIRA site, you have the Jira REST APIs with which you can edit or update or create or do pretty much anything with your Jira issues:

I just experienced the same issue and found the answers and the official reference web maybe need to be more specific for Github enterprise version. If you are using the enterprise Github, you should:

1) Register the application under the enterprise's settings, not under the user's.

2) Suppose your JIRA site as which you can access your JIRA main page, then the Homapage URL and the Authorization callback URL should be the same as your JIRA site URL.

3) When add new account in JIRA, the Host field shoud be GitHub Enterprise, the Team or User Account should be the enterprise's name which can be found under the organization profile in Github.

4) The Host URL should be Github main page.

Then I think it should work for enterprise when connect the JIRA and github.

If you visiting this page in 2016, and using Cloud JIRA, it is find here-

Application>>Integrations>>DVCS Accounts, instead of under Add Ons as mentioned in blog posts being thrown up by Google.