Android Studio doesn't render Ubuntu Mono Font well

The problem is not anti-aliasing - all of your examples show the text is anti-aliased fine.

The difference is in an aspect of font rendering called "hinting" - the top Ubuntu Mono example shows a strong hinting, whereas the bottom Ubuntu Mono example shows a smoother hinting. Hinting deforms the letter shapes to better align to the pixel grid and give a more crisp appearance.

Whether you like one or the other is a matter of personal preference. The top one is certainly very clear to read but at the expense of deforming the letter shapes.

The Java environment will be using its own font renderer rather than your global settings, hence the difference.

There are various fixes for this described in this link at

This one looks pretty simple (I have not tested this):

Try adding

export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp'

to your ~/.bashrc

But the chosen solution is more complex.