Chromium and Chrome crashing too often (Ubuntu 14.04)

Chrome is crashing because it cannot open additional files.

You can fix this by increasing the number of possible open files.

Update /etc/security/limits.conf

* hard nofile 65535
* soft nofile 65535

And rebooting.

Before updating limits.conf as suggested by Thijs, try if it works for you. In a shell, run:

ulimit -a

Check the line that reads open files (or run ulimit -n right away). On my system, the value is 1024. Quit Chromium. Then, in the same terminal, issue

ulimit -n 4096

Replace 4096 by a value suitable for your system. You should be able to use more tabs in this browser session. Once you have found a reasonable limit, persist it in limits.conf and reboot.

