No audio in rendered video files

After upgrading to Ubuntu 14.10 I now have no audio in any video file I render. I've tried both Kdenlive and Openshot and get the same results. All other audio works. All other digital movie files work fine. It's just the one's I'm rendering that have this issue.

Solution 1:

You need newer versions of libmlt6 and libmlt++3 than what Ubuntu 14.10 shipped. 15.04 already has the newer packages.

You can work around the problem on your 14.10 system by simply grabbing the newer version from 15.04 and installing them:

cd $(mktemp -d)
sudo dpkg -Oi *deb

Solution 2:

Ok I have found a solution to this problem, this is a bug in mlt which was updated with the upgrade to 14.10. It's not related to pulse-audio!

Anyway the solution it's just to install the latest debian version of the package which has a bugfix for this problem. So you have to install libmlt6 and libmlt++3 (version 0.9.2+git20141027-1 for both packages, which are dependent on each other). So you go here: and here: and in both pages at the bottom there's the option to Download the package, you choose your architecture and download both packages. Then you have to put both packages in the same folder, open that folder in the terminal and type "sudo dpkg -i libmlt++3_0.9.2+git20141027-1_amd64.deb libmlt6_0.9.2+git20141027-1_amd64.deb" where the name of the two packages can change if you have a different architecture than amd64.

These are the links to the bug in debian:

Now I will try to notify the ubuntu developers to backport the package to 14.10.