Extract substring from a string
what is the best way to extract a substring from a string in android?
Solution 1:
If you know the Start and End index, you can use
String substr=mysourcestring.substring(startIndex,endIndex);
If you want to get substring from specific index till end you can use :
String substr=mysourcestring.substring(startIndex);
If you want to get substring from specific character till end you can use :
String substr=mysourcestring.substring(mysourcestring.indexOf("characterValue"));
If you want to get substring from after a specific character, add that number to .indexOf(char)
String substr=mysourcestring.substring(mysourcestring.indexOf("characterValue") + 1);
Solution 2:
str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
Solution 3:
Here is a real world example:
String hallostring = "hallo";
String asubstring = hallostring.substring(0, 1);
In the example asubstring would return: h
Solution 4:
There is another way , if you want to get sub string before and after a character
String s ="123dance456";
String[] split = s.split("dance");
String firstSubString = split[0];
String secondSubString = split[1];
check this post- how to find before and after sub-string in a string