How to color words in different colours in a Console.WriteLine in a console application?
The last sentence of my code is a Console.WriteLine
with a variable. I would like to have the text between ""
to be green and the variable to be red.
I have been trying with Console.Foregroundcolor
, but this wasn't successful.
Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Your name is {0}.", name);
An slight improvement on currarpickt's answer:
public void Write(params object[] oo)
foreach(var o in oo)
if(o == null)
else if(o is ConsoleColor)
Console.ForegroundColor = o as ConsoleColor;
Now you can mix any number of text and color:
Write("how about ", ConsoleColor.Red, "red", null, " text or how about ", ConsoleColor.Green, "green", null, " text");
Using null puts the color back to default
Or how about we build a parser:
public void Write(string msg)
string[] ss = msg.Split('{','}');
ConsoleColor c;
foreach(var s in ss)
else if(s.StartsWith("=") && Enum.TryParse(s.Substring(1), out c))
Console.ForegroundColor = c;
And we can use like:
Write("how about {=Red}this in red{/} or this in {=Green}green{/} eh?");
Should tidy things up. It's a really simple unsophisticated parser though, you'll need to improve it if your strings contain { or } for example
You can't use different colors within one Console.WriteLine()
- use Console.Write()
Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.Write("Your name is ");
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine(); //linebreak
Console.ResetColor(); //reset to default values
I liked Caius Jard's parser answer, but I improved upon it a little bit so you can change both the background color and the foreground color, and even nest colors. I've created a new static class called ConsoleWriter.
To set foreground color:
ConsoleWriter.WriteLine("{FC=Red}This text will be red.{/FC}");
To set background color:
ConsoleWriter.WriteLine("{BC=Blue}This background will be blue.{/BC}");
It even keeps track of the history of colors you used in a single call, that way you can actually nest colors like this:
ConsoleWriter.WriteLine("{FC=Magenta}This is magenta, {FC=Yellow}now yellow, {/FC}now back to magenta{/FC}, now back to default.");
This will output as:
I even like to use the actual enum in an interpolated string and it still works:
ConsoleWriter.WriteLine($"{{FC={ConsoleColor.Red}}}This works too!{{/FC}}");
public static void Write(string msg)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
var color_match = Regex.Match(msg, @"{[FB]C=[a-z]+}|{\/[FB]C}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (color_match.Success)
var initial_background_color = Console.BackgroundColor;
var initial_foreground_color = Console.ForegroundColor;
var background_color_history = new List<ConsoleColor>();
var foreground_color_history = new List<ConsoleColor>();
var current_index = 0;
while (color_match.Success)
if ((color_match.Index - current_index) > 0)
Console.Write(msg.Substring(current_index, color_match.Index - current_index));
if (color_match.Value.StartsWith("{BC=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // set background color
var background_color_name = GetColorNameFromMatch(color_match);
Console.BackgroundColor = GetParsedColorAndAddToHistory(background_color_name, background_color_history, initial_background_color);
else if (color_match.Value.Equals("{/BC}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // revert background color
Console.BackgroundColor = GetLastColorAndRemoveFromHistory(background_color_history, initial_background_color);
else if (color_match.Value.StartsWith("{FC=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // set foreground color
var foreground_color_name = GetColorNameFromMatch(color_match);
Console.ForegroundColor = GetParsedColorAndAddToHistory(foreground_color_name, foreground_color_history, initial_foreground_color);
else if (color_match.Value.Equals("{/FC}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // revert foreground color
Console.ForegroundColor = GetLastColorAndRemoveFromHistory(foreground_color_history, initial_foreground_color);
current_index = color_match.Index + color_match.Length;
color_match = color_match.NextMatch();
Console.BackgroundColor = initial_background_color;
Console.ForegroundColor = initial_foreground_color;
public static void WriteLine(string msg)
private static string GetColorNameFromMatch(Match match)
return match.Value.Substring(4, match.Value.IndexOf("}") - 4);
private static ConsoleColor GetParsedColorAndAddToHistory(string colorName, List<ConsoleColor> colorHistory, ConsoleColor defaultColor)
var new_color = Enum.TryParse<ConsoleColor>(colorName, true, out var parsed_color) ? parsed_color : defaultColor;
return new_color;
private static ConsoleColor GetLastColorAndRemoveFromHistory(List<ConsoleColor> colorHistory, ConsoleColor defaultColor)
if (colorHistory.Any())
colorHistory.RemoveAt(colorHistory.Count - 1);
return colorHistory.Any() ? colorHistory.Last() : defaultColor;
If you wanna make different color to each text on console you should write Console.BackgrundColor and Console.ForeGroundColor before each input and output in consolse. For example:
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("Enter your name:");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + name);
You could make a method for that:
public void ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor firstColor, string firstText, ConsoleColor secondColor, string secondText)
Console.ForegroundColor = firstColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = secondColor;
And call it later like this:
ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Green, "Your name is ", ConsoleColor.Red, name);