Another word for breakfast [closed]
My English vocab is not so good(as it is a second language to me). What i wanted to know was, is there another word for breakfast. Specially if its something that is being eaten right after waking up. Is it still called breakfast or is there another word for it?
Solution 1:
Well this is funny cause the word you actually need is a loan from the Latin word ientaculum (breakfast, particularly right upon getting up).
The word you can use in English is jentacular (of or pertaining to a breakfast taken early in the morning, or immediately upon getting up) which has been derived from ientaculum. Though this may not be exactly what you require: jentacular is an adjective.
Would you care to have a jentacular coffee with me?
I took a post-jentacular walk to settle my stomach.
I like a jentacular run in the morning.
Solution 2:
It's still breakfast, unless you wake up around lunchtime.
breakfast noun A meal eaten in the morning, the first of the day. - lexico