TightVNC cannot exit full screen in Windows 7

TightVNC allows us to make a remote session full-screen, so that the remote screen takes up our entire monitor.

Under Windows XP, to "restore" (un-maximize) a full-screen session back into a windowed session, we would hit Alt-ESC (or the Windows key) to display our own taskbar, and then right-click on the TightVNC Viewer's taskbar icon where the pop-up menu would have a "restore" option. This entire pop-up menu appears to be gone under Windows 7. The only choice now is to close the session, but it remembers to show all future sessions in full-screen (!).

One nuisance caused by this problem is that I cannot drag the remote session onto my second monitor. Another is that I can't get to the Viewer toolbar and start a file transfer.

Is there a way to exit full-screen under Windows 7 with TightVNC Viewer?

Or, how can I reset this stored value so that I can see future remote sessions in a window?

Solution 1:

To exit TightVNC's full screen on Windows 7:

Press all four keys: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F

Solution 2:

Press F8

"You can enter and exit full screen mode using the toolbar at the top of the VNC viewer window. The F8 key can be used to hide and unhide this toolbar."
