Justifying low GPA in College

I am trying to explain a lower GPA in my statement of purpose for applying to a masters program. I have come up with this opening sentence:

"Lastly, I would like to explain my undergraduate academic record. I fully understand that explaining a lower than par performance can sound like delusional ------ but given my strong interest in the program, I would like to explain the disparity between my undergraduate and graduate performance.

I think delusional is sort of an inappropriate word to use in a statement of purpose. Does anyone have any better ideas? Or is delusional appropriate to use?

And in case anybody is wondering, I already have a masters degree and I am applying for another masters program.

Solution 1:

You need to give the entire context in which you earned the lower than desired GPA. In doing this your must minimize the excuse making introduction or that will be all that is remembered. Minimizing this also means using as few words as possible, short sentences, only one if possible. Do not explain that you know such justification is improper/delusional/apologetic. Get on with the explanation at once. End, as you have, that Any GPA indicates your great interest in the subject and dedication to complete the program.

"I fully understand that explaining a lower than par performance can sound Exculpatory but given my strong interest in the program, I would like to explain the disparity between my undergraduate and graduate performance." Too-Long Too-Long Too-Long!

"My lower that usual/desired/typical GPA was due to my working three jobs while taking the required classes. Despite many other responsibilities I completed the necessary steps without the luxury of spare time."

Good luck.