Several users simultaneously on a Mac mini

We are a small team of developers and we would like to buy a Mac mini in order to develop for iOS.

We would like to know if it is possible for several users to log in remotely to the Mac mini (using VNC or something similar), each of us having his own desktop (not as VNC does by default).

Is this possible? If yes, which software does it require? (The client machines run on Windows.)

Not sure how it was 2 years ago when this question was asked but I confirmed that this work out of the box for me now.

Mid 2010 Mac Mini running OS X Mavericks 10.9 Client machine tested: Windows 7 Pro using TightVNC Viewer, iPad using iTeleport.

Both client devices were able to connect to Mac Mini via VNC and log in to different user accounts at the same time.

On every VNC session, it will show the mac login window which user can choose to access specific user accounts.

Though I would agree that it might be using up more resources when multiple users are connected at the same time, furthermore using for development.

Yes, it is possible. But both computers must be running Lion.

In the Host Mac go to System Preferences > Sharing > Screen Sharing and enable it. Check the preferences, too.

In the Remote Mac just hit Command+K and type vnc:// and the IP address of the Computer.

Yes, you can do this in Mac OS X 10.7 and later. Just set up an account for each user and enable VNC (System Preferences => Sharing => Screen Sharing).

Late 2012 Mac Mini with 16GB using RealVNC. On LAN have run 3 active users at once running Xcode 6 simultaneously. Biggest problem is in setting varying screen resolution since Mac has multiple giant screens and The Windows PCs don't. Works great. We could add another user if we wanted to with 16 gigs.

As to how this applies to the original question, while one person works on the Mini, two others can log in from Windows workstations on the LAN, all running xcode. From Windows workstations. I think that was the original question if I understand correctly.

I would just add that the setup was remarkably easy. Install VNC on the mini and on each PC. That's pretty much it. Took about 30 minutes to get the kinks worked out.

Mac OS X doesn't support this out of the box, as far as I know, at least not for Windows clients.

Because of that you will want 3rd party software such as Aqua Connect or iRAPP terminal server.

Apple have screen sharing, but it is VNC-based (the extensions to 'screen sharing' to allow more than one connection requires a mac client, I believe) and all indications are that the Lion implementation of VNC is broken, especially when trying to access it from Windows clients.