Using 'lifted index finger', as an expression for 'being lectured'

In a document I am using a phrase for lecturing people, but I am not sure if this expression is actually correct English, or just used in Dutch and I am literally translating it and in English it's hardly used.

I am saying: 'I have had it with the lifted index finger'.

As an expression for 'I have had it with the lecturing'.

Is that correct English?

Searching I cannot directly find many hits on it, it might be 'wagging finger', 'fingering' in English for what I have found so far. Could a native speaker help me on this? I am eventually looking for some alternative for 'I do not like being lectured', since I already used that word.

Solution 1:

I have had it with the finger wagging.

I have had enough of your finger wagging.

enter image description here

Click on this link to see the moving image.


Be very careful how you use "fingering" it has sexual connotations if used in connection with a person.

It is okay with most inanimate objects, e.g. What fingering do you use when you play that piano piece?

However if you say to someone "Stop fingering me" You are accusing them of sexual assault of a particular kind.