Flutter Launcher icon not getting changed?

you have to get the package and then after run following command to change the icon.

 $ flutter pub pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

  1. Add flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.7.3 code Plugin to pubspec.yaml

  2. in pubspec.yaml :

      image_path_android: "images/logoapp.png"
      image_path_ios: "images/logoapp.png"
      android: true
      ios: true 
  3. run command : flutter pub get

  4. run command : flutter pub pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

  5. run command : flutter clean

  6. run command : flutter run

it worked for me

Able to change Now after following below Steps.

  1. Add flutter_launcher_icons code Plugin to pubspec.yaml as mentioned in question
  2. In Command prompt run below commands
    • flutter pub get
    • flutter pub pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
  3. And it worked
  4. Launcher Icons I generated using external website https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html

I wasn't using flutter_launcher_icons, I was using just Image Asset Studio in the Android project. It seemed that in certain situations it wasn't updating my Adaptive Icon on Android.

To fix it, I opened the Android module (right click on the android/ folder in the Flutter view, then select Flutter | Open Android Module in Android Studio). From there, open the res/ folder and delete everything that looks like foreground.xml. AFAICT this is what is generated by Image Asset Studio as part of the Adaptive Icon.

Then recreate the Adaptive Icon via Image Asset Studio.

At this point my Flutter cache was corrupted, so I had to run flutter pub cache repair (I mention this because maybe somehow that is what fixed it, but I doubt it). Run the app and then voila, the icon updated.

there is two way to update app icon

1) first way

    sdk: flutter  

  flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.7.5"

  image_path: "icon/appicon.png"
  android: true 
  ios: true

run this two command

flutter pub get

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

2) if above not work then below solutions (change in native)

you can change appicon from Image Asset, right click on main folder of your project structure and go new -> Image Asset , now just select your icon and finish it, Android studio will generate all necessary icons for you.

here look of Image Asset

similarly you can change appicon for ios, go

ios -> Runner -> Assets.xcassets -> Appicon.appiconset

then replace icons with your new icons

that's it!