Can WPF applications be run in Linux or Mac with .Net Core 3?

Solution 1:

No, they have clearly stated that these are windows only. In one of the .NET Core 3.0 discussions, they have also clarified that they do not intend to make these features cross-platform in the future since the whole concept is derived from windows specific features. They talked about thinking of a whole new idea for cross-platform applications, which is not easy.



The newly announced .NET 5 now aims in avoiding all this confusion by no longer calling it ".NET Core".

Update 2

With blazor client-side (releases on may, 2020), there is a new experimental project for cross-platform apps using webview that is in the works.


Solution 2:

No with WPF or Winforms. But you still can develop desktop apps on Linux, with .NET Core, using other libs like GtkSharp or Avalonia

Solution 3:

Well, the name itself says Windows Presentation Foundation. So it's primarily windows based.

But it is worth to be noted that the new UI framework, .NET MAUI that will be shipped with .NET 6 is cross-platform, with a single-codebase, single-project structure.

Currently in Preview at the time of writing, to be shipped in November 2021. Here's the roadmap.

Solution 4:

Although it is not native dotnet core on linux, but it may be helpful - using wine.

I find a very useful comment in the discussion here, more details here

In other words, it is possible to use windows version of dotnet core under wine.

I didn't try it yet, but from the article I mentioned I can say it looks nice and might be an option.