How to assert that a constexpr if else clause never happen?

You have to make the discarded statement dependent of the template parameters

template <class...> constexpr std::false_type always_false{};

if constexpr(condition1){
} else if constexpr (condition2) {
} else if constexpr (condition3) {
} else {       

This is so because

[temp.res]/8 - The program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required, if

no valid specialization can be generated for a template or a substatement of a constexpr if statement within a template and the template is not instantiated, or ...

Here's a workaround from, i.e. use a type-dependent expression instead.

Note: the discarded statement can't be ill-formed for every possible specialization:

The common workaround for such a catch-all statement is a type-dependent expression that is always false:


template<class T> struct dependent_false : std::false_type {};



taking a slightly different tack...

#include <ciso646>

template<auto x> void something();

constexpr int which(Conditions... cond)
    int sel = 0;
    bool found = false;
    auto elect = [&found, &sel](auto cond)
        if (not found)
            if (cond)
                found = true;

    (elect(cond), ...);
    if (not found) throw "you have a logic error";
    return sel;

template<bool condition1, bool condition2, bool condition3>
void foo()
    auto constexpr sel = which(condition1, condition2, condition3);
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:

int main()
    foo<false, true, false>();
//    foo<false, false, false>(); // fails to compile

As I understand it, which is evaluated in constexpr context, which means that it is legal unless the program has to follow a code path that is illegal in a constexpr context.

For all expected cases, the throw path is not taken, so the function is legal. When illegal inputs are provided, we go down the ill-formed path, which causes a compiler error.

I'd be interested to know whether this solution is strictly correct from a language-lawyer perspective.

It works on gcc, clang and MSVC.

...or for fans of obfuscated code...

constexpr int which(Conditions... cond)
    auto sel = 0;
    ((cond or (++sel, false)) or ...) or (throw "program is ill-formed", false);
    return sel;