Whats a good software title to take video (mp4, avi, other..) and burn it to DVD

I got some home brew videos from my webcam, and I got a couple movies on the drive I'd like to burn to DVD. The thing is, I don't know what's a good product for that, being a recent Mac convert and formally a heavy Windows user.

I keep finding things about iDVD when I search but from further reading iDVD is no longer available. So doing a quick search on google you get your standard "This app will do it all" type sites, usually really crappy software so I don't want to waste 20, 50, 100+ dollars on an app that I'll use once in a blue moon or on an app that's actually worthless.

If you're going to burn to DVD, you need a replacement for iDVD, and you don't want to spend beau coup cash, use Burn. Burn is free, and works swimmingly.