Media test failure, check cable Windows 7 Laptop

Solution 1:

It possible that your CTRL key is stuck for some reason, perhaps some soda was split on it.

Additionally your hard drive or even your motherboard may be failing. If your hard drive fails it may try to do a PXE boot and you would get that error. More information would be needed to give a more specific answer.

It would be best to back up all files you care about as soon as possible.

You may want to contact the manufacture of your laptop for support.

Next determine the maker of your hard drive and try to find diagnostic software for that drive. Run the diagnostic software.

You could open a CMD window and copy the following line to your computer. It will set your computer to scan your hard disk drive before windows loads for any bad sectors and repair any errors it finds then force an immediate restart your computer

Echo y |chkdsk /r & Shutdown /f /r /t 1

Good luck I hope it is an easy fix.