Implementing a FIFO mutex in pthreads

I'm trying to implement a binary tree supporting concurrent insertions (which could occur even between nodes), but without having to allocate a global lock or a separate mutex or mutexes for each node. Rather, the quantity of such locks allocated should be on the order of the quantity of threads using the tree.

Consequently, I end up with a type of lock convoy problem. Explained more simply, it's what potentially happens when two or more threads do the following:

1 for(;;) {
2   lock(mutex)
3   do_stuff
4   unlock(mutex)
5 }

That is, if Thread#1 executes instructions 4->5->1->2 all in one "cpu burst" then Thread#2 gets starved from execution.

On the other hand, if there was a FIFO-type locking option for mutexes in pthreads, then such a problem could be avoided. So, is there a way to implement FIFO-type mutex locking in pthreads? Can altering thread priorities accomplish this?

You can implement a fair queuing system where each thread is added to a queue when it blocks, and the first thread on the queue always gets the resource when it becomes available. Such a "fair" ticket lock built on pthreads primitives might look like this:

#include <pthread.h>

typedef struct ticket_lock {
    pthread_cond_t cond;
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    unsigned long queue_head, queue_tail;
} ticket_lock_t;


void ticket_lock(ticket_lock_t *ticket)
    unsigned long queue_me;

    queue_me = ticket->queue_tail++;
    while (queue_me != ticket->queue_head)
        pthread_cond_wait(&ticket->cond, &ticket->mutex);

void ticket_unlock(ticket_lock_t *ticket)

You could do something like this:

  • define a "queued lock" that consists of a free/busy flag plus a linked-list of pthread condition variables. access to the queued_lock is protected by a mutex

  • to lock the queued_lock:

    • seize the mutex
    • check the 'busy' flag
    • if not busy; set busy = true; release mutex; done
    • if busy; create a new condition @ end of queue & wait on it (releasing mutex)
  • to unlock:

    • seize the mutex
    • if no other thread is queued, busy = false; release mutex; done
    • pthread_cond_signal the first waiting condition
    • do not clear the 'busy' flag - ownership is passing to the other thread
    • release mutex
  • when waiting thread unblocked by pthread_cond_signal:

    • remove our condition var from head of queue
    • release mutex

Note that the mutex is locked only while the state of the queued_lock is being altered, not for the whole duration that the queued_lock is held.

You can obtain a fair Mutex with the idea sketched by @caf, but using atomic operations to acquire the ticket before doing the actual lock.

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef volatile LONG Sync32_t;
#define SyncFetchAndIncrement32(V) (InterlockedIncrement(V) - 1)
#elif (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) > 40100
typedef volatile uint32_t Sync32_t;
#define SyncFetchAndIncrement32(V) __sync_fetch_and_add(V, 1)
#error No atomic operations

class FairMutex {
    Sync32_t                _nextTicket;
    Sync32_t                _curTicket;
    pthread_mutex_t         _mutex;
    pthread_cond_t          _cond;

    inline FairMutex() : _nextTicket(0), _curTicket(0), _mutex(PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER), _cond(PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER)
    inline ~FairMutex()
    inline void lock()
        unsigned long myTicket = SyncFetchAndIncrement32(&_nextTicket);
        while (_curTicket != myTicket) {
            pthread_cond_wait(&_cond, &_mutex);
    inline void unlock()

More broadly, i would not call this a FIFO Mutex, because it gives the impression to maintain an order which is not there in the first place. If your threads are calling a lock() in parallel, they can not have an order before calling the lock, so it makes no sense to create a mutex preserving an order relationship which is not there.