IIS: Handler "aspNetCore" has a bad module "AspNetCoreModuleV2" in its module list

Solution 1:

Windows IIS

Solution: Install the hosting bundle.

Reason: Although the SDK normally contains the runtime, however, it seems the SDK installer is not registering the runtime correctly on the server.

Workaround (not recommended):

Change AspNetCoreModuleV2 to AspNetCoreModule inside web.config.

Azure platform hosting

Install the .NET Core runtime extension by selecting Extensions and then installing .NET Core Runtime.

Solution 2:

Install .Net Core 2.2 run-time bundle on hosting machine.


Publish your project as self-contained.

Solution 3:

By removing V2 from modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" worked for me. Note that my issue was related to running a .net core web api from visual studio. IE Express failed with a code 500 and upon investigating the error log describing "Handler 'aspNetCore' has a bad module.." was resolved by replacing with the below.

  <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified" />

Solution 4:


This is a workaround that keeps your app on pre-v2 hosting. Please see alans answer and my comment for a more complete solution


I got this to work by adding the following code block to the .csproj for the web application.


Obviously you'll want to update the netcoreapp version as you move on. This is how I was able to get things working. I'm not sure why simply installing the hosting bundle for 2.2 wasn't enough.