"This practice can disrupt the children´s privacy, even though parents are not enough aware of its danger."

My EFL C1 (CEFR) students are writing an essay on the dangers of parents posting their children's picture on social media. One student wrote this sentence, it doesn't sound quite right, but I can't pinpoint what is wrong:

This practice can disrupt the children´s privacy, even though parents are not enough aware of its danger.

Is it the placement of "enough" or "enough + aware"?

Solution 1:

This practice can disrupt the children´s privacy, even though parents are not enough aware of its danger.

This sentence isn't problematic because of the use of enough, but because of the use of even though.

even though - In spite of (something).

Given this, the sentence doesn't make sense. The reason is that we expect a negative outcome if we aren't aware of some danger: disrupting children's privacy is such a negative outcome. Because we expect a negative outcome, we can't use "in spite of" or any of its synonyms. If the parents were aware of the danger, then we could use one of these terms.