Can I cure the Genophage without losing a Salarian?

Everyone's favorite patter-singing Salarian Scientist can be saved...

But the price, and required setup is arguably too high:

In order to keep Mordin alive, you need to have 1) Not saved Maelon's data in ME2, and 2) Urdnot Wreav must be the leader of the Krogans (that is, Wrex must have died on Virmire in ME1).

Incidentally, this is the default state for a new, non-imported Shepard. Under those circumstances, and only under those circumstances,

Mordin can instead be persuaded to lie to the Krogans about the Genophage cure, and they will buy it, hook, line, and sinker. At this point, you gain both the Krogans and Mordin as War Assets.

I saw on a forum somewhere that it is possible.

You can convince Mordin to sabotage the cure, but Eve will die. You also lose the support of Wreav. However, either way you choose to go (sabotage or not), you can regain the support of the lost faction in another quest (so I'm told).

You can complete Mordin's loyalty mission, but you need to destroy Maelon's data about curing the Genophage (this will get eve to die in me3). Wrex needs to die in ME1, but it has nothing to do with Mordin being loyal in ME2.