Meaning of bottle her back up

Instantly, the Tarahumara swarmed and bottled her back up.

The verb is "to bottle up", e.g.

We bottled him up.

You can think of this as metaphor of keeping something confined inside a bottle.

The word back is not part of the verb - it is an adverb. It means roughly "again" or "once more", e.g.

We bottled her back up means We bottled her up again/once more.

A stricter definition of this sense of back, is given here:



  1. so as to return to an earlier or normal position or condition: "she put the book back on the shelf"

From Merriam-Webster


transitive verb

1b to put or keep in a position or situation that makes free activity, progress, or escape difficult or impossible —usually used with up

So, approximately:

got her back into a position where escape was impossible