How do you run Ubuntu Server with a GUI?

Trying to run a Ubuntu server for the first time... But everything is in a terminal. Is there a way to switch to a GUI?

Solution 1:

There's no specific distribution called “Ubuntu server”, it's all Ubuntu. There are different installation media for Ubuntu desktop and server, but the difference is only in the initial installation program and the set of packages included. The server installation media doesn't install a GUI by default, but it's just a package installation away. The desktop installation media does install a GUI by default.

To add a desktop UI environment to an Ubuntu installed as the "server" variety, you'll need to install some packages from the internet.

Run these commands to install a desktop environment:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

You should get a graphical login prompt at that point (I'm not completely sure; if you don't get one, reboot).

Once you have a GUI, you should go and enable a few more software sources, at the very least security updates and the universe repository. Click on the Ubuntu button, and search for "Software Sources”, and check the “restricted”, “universe” and “multiverse” boxes (in addition to “main”) in the first tab, and check at least “-security” and “-updates” (and you might as well check the others) in the “Updates” tab.

  • How do I enable the "multiverse" repository?
  • How do I enable the "Universe" repository?

Solution 2:

If you want to administer locally

You can install the default Ubuntu desktop by executing the following:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

There are many desktop alternatives which you may install and use, like:

  • Gnome 3 installation: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
  • KDE see Kubuntu installation: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
  • XFCE installation: sudo apt-get install xfce4
  • LXDE installation: sudo apt-get install lxde
  • Openbox installation: sudo apt-get install openbox
  • Gnome Classic (old) a Gnome 3 desktop that looks like Gnome 2 installation: sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
  • Ubuntu Gnome (Official flavor) installation: sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop

Local and or remote administration

Except from the above you can administer your server by using a web based solution using less resources:

  • Webmin installation: see here
  • Zentyal (offers community edition there seems to be no free edition enymore. A lot of complaints, it's stripped down more and more... ) installation: see here
  • ISPConfig (supports up to 16.10) installation: see here