Kotlin extension function start activity with Intent extras

Instead of using a list of pairs, consider using a Bundle. Then you can add it with putExtras(Bundle).

If you want to go one step ahead, you could add a lambda extension to configure the extras:

fun <T> Context.openActivity(it: Class<T>, extras: Bundle.() -> Unit = {}) {
  val intent = Intent(this, it)

Then you can call it as:

openActivity(MyActivity::class.java) {
  putString("string.key", "string.value")
  putInt("string.key", 43)


inline fun <reified T : Activity> Context.startActivity(block: Intent.() -> Unit = {}) {
    startActivity(Intent(this, T::class.java).apply(block))

Simple using:


With extra

   putExtra("param 1", "Simple")

Here is the extension function for start activity:

inline fun <reified T : Activity> Context.openActivity(vararg params: Pair<String, Any>) {
    val intent = Intent(this, T::class.java)

fun Intent.putExtras(vararg params: Pair<String, Any>): Intent {
    if (params.isEmpty()) return this
    params.forEach { (key, value) ->
        when (value) {
            is Int -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Byte -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Char -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Long -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Float -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Short -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Double -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Boolean -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Bundle -> putExtra(key, value)
            is String -> putExtra(key, value)
            is IntArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is ByteArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is CharArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is LongArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is FloatArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Parcelable -> putExtra(key, value)
            is ShortArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is DoubleArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is BooleanArray -> putExtra(key, value)
            is CharSequence -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Array<*> -> {
                when {
                    value.isArrayOf<String>() ->
                        putExtra(key, value as Array<String?>)
                    value.isArrayOf<Parcelable>() ->
                        putExtra(key, value as Array<Parcelable?>)
                    value.isArrayOf<CharSequence>() ->
                        putExtra(key, value as Array<CharSequence?>)
                    else -> putExtra(key, value)
            is Serializable -> putExtra(key, value)
    return this

Simple using:

openActivity<TestActivity>("key0" to "value0", "key1" to "value1")

A simpler approach is provided in Kotlin

Use the bundleOf()

inline fun <reified T : Activity> Context.openActivity1(vararg params: Pair<String, Any?>) {
    val intent = Intent(this, T::class.java)

There is no method putExtra(String, Any) in the Intent object. You can use Bundle object to save your data:

fun <T> Context.openActivity(it: Class<T>, bundleKey: String, bundle: Bundle) {
    var intent = Intent(this, it)
    intent.putExtra(bundleKey, bundle)

To call it inside Context object:

val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString("Key", "Value") // you can put another object here
openActivity(SomeActivity::class.java, "Bundle Key", bundle)