How to change node version with nvm

I'm using yeoman to create a project, when I try to use gulp I run the cmd : gulp serve an error tells me that I need an older version of node (8.9.4), knowing that I've installed the latest version (10.14.1).

So i installed nvm to change the node version, I had to set it into path C:\, then I run with success : nvm install 8.9.4 and when I try to use it : nvm use 8.9.4, its always the latest version that is used

enter image description here

if i try to use 8.10.0, then run node -v it tells me access refused, same to any node command

you need to use

nvm use 8.10.0

note that you need to run this command as administrator

1) Install (root permissions might be required)

nvm install 8.10.0

2) Use once per terminal (root permissions might be required)

nvm use 8.10.0

3) Set up as default for all terminals (root permissions might be required)

nvm alias default 8.10.0

4) Additional info

  • check nvm documentation for more info

  • Also you may need to specify node version for your IDE:

enter image description here