How to point Go module dependency in go.mod to a latest commit in a repo?

Solution 1:

Just 'go get' at the commit hash you want:

go get

'go get' will correctly update the dependency files (go.mod, go.sum).

More information:

Solution 2:

In addition the answer from Everton on using go get to get a specific commit, you can also use branch names such as:

  • go get
  • go get

Those examples get the latest commit on the corresponding branch.

It will still be recorded as a pseudo-version in your go.mod file, such as v0.0.0-20171006230638-a6e239ea1c69. (This helps provide a simple total ordering across all versions based on standard semver ordering).

Solution 3:

I have been banging my head for some time that how it works for everyone and I am not able to run it. For me, I had to commit to master branch then only I was able to get it.

For go get to work with specific branch, commit id or tag, you need to enable a flag for go module by running below command

go env -w GO111MODULE=on

after this we will be able to do

go get repo@branchname
go get repo@tag
go get repo@commithash

Solution 4:

If you want to temporarily substitute a dependency to a local directory (for example if you work on 2 modules sumultaneously) you can add replace statement at the end of go.mod file:


go 1.15

require ( v0.14.2

replace => ../my_forks/a_package

Solution 5:

Also if you put the word latest in place of the tag in the go.mod file it will get changed to the latest tag the modules.

For example:

module /my/module

require (
... latest

will become

module /my/module

require (
... v2.0.39

after running go mod tidy