Is there a major gameplay disadvantage if I don't import saves?

I lost my saves from Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2. I'm aware that there is a site that has several, but they just wouldn't feel as mine.

What would I miss beside continuity in my actions? Is it "game breaking" if I start fresh?

Solution 1:

Of course not. That would be a pretty terrible business strategy on Bioware's part. The game accounts for newbies to the series and those without saves, and even asks you a background question so that you can somewhat determine who died in the previous games. You'll start at level 1 instead of whatever level your imported character would have had, but the game will still be entirely playable.

Of course, if you played Mass Effect 1 and 2 and made a bunch of decisions, you may get confused at times when the assumed decisions of the default character don't line up with your own, but it won't be "game-breaking".

You will miss out on some small bonuses if you don't import a character, but missing out on them is not "game-breaking".

Solution 2:

There are several disadvantages. The most obvious one is that you will not get the experience bonus (Up to level 30, starting the game halfway to the maximum level of 60), which will likely mean you won't be able to hit level 60 on your first playthough. You will also not receive the War Readiness bonus of 100 points for having a lot of mineral resources at the end of ME2. Some major characters will die if you haven't saved them in ME1 and 2, though you may not care much about them, not having had time to get attached to them.

You also won't get the achievement for completing the game twice or once with an imported character on your first playthrough, if that's a thing if care about.

Solution 3:

It is not game breaking.

You would be missing out on a feeling of this being "your story" by not having that continuity. The game was built from the ground up as a trilogy, hoping to take the player on an arc from start to finish.

Having played the first 2 games, you'll at least have a point of reference of the ME Universe.

Solution 4:

Surprisingly, it's game breaking.

A lot of situations for ME3 where if you're trying to get the "best" (in the loosest possible terms) ending require some previous decisions made using an imported Shepherd from ME2 (and in a few cases those decisions are based off of ME1).

A lot of outcomes for the first act are dictated by Wrex's survival in ME1 which is the deciding factor of who rules clan Urdnot which could really determine how to navigate the conflicting Salarian/Krogan interests. Also they could changed by the survival of Mordin Solus who may not be present without an import.

Same thing with the Quarian/Geth conflict. It is impossible to resolve that conflict peacefully without some decisions made in ME2. Tali and Legion's survival as well as resolving their conflict are paramount to resolving that one without losing possibly everything.