Problem with regexp python and sqlite

I try to check a string with a pattern using a regex with python on a sqlite database. I have problem when I try de search string having " with a patern using " For exemple:

cur.execute("insert into articles(id,subject) values (1,'aaa\"test\"')")
cur.execute("select id,subject from articles where id = 1")
print (cur.fetchall())

cur.execute("select subject from articles where  subject regexp '\"test\"' ")
print (cur.fetchall())

I should \" before regexp other way compiler dont like... syntaxe error

[(1, 'aaa"test"')]
[] <????? should found 

Somebody know how to do that ?

My regexp function :con.create_function("regexp", 2, regexp)

Solution 1:

Use parametrized sql. Then you don't need to escape the quotes yourself:

import sqlite3
import re

def regexp(expr, item):
    reg = re.compile(expr)
    return is not None

conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.create_function("REGEXP", 2, regexp)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE foo (bar TEXT)')
cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (?)',[('aaa"test"',),('blah',)])
cursor.execute('SELECT bar FROM foo WHERE bar REGEXP ?',['"test"'])



Solution 2:

You can use triple escapes, or a raw string.

Your doing:

>>> print("select subject from articles where  subject regexp '\"test\"' ")
select subject from articles where  subject regexp '"test"'

Use a raw string, which is a r'string with a r in front':

>>> print(r"select subject from articles where  subject regexp '\"test\"' ")
select subject from articles where  subject regexp '\"test\"' 

Or triple escapes (\\\):

>>> print("select subject from articles where  subject regexp '\\\"test\\\"' ")
select subject from articles where  subject regexp '\"test\"'