Past-tense noun form of "Archiving"?

I have the following status messages in some code:

Deleting Session Data...

Deletion complete.

I want to use the same sentence structure (no alternate structure suggestions, please) to create similar status messages based on the verb archive instead of delete.

The first one is straightforward:

Archiving Session Data...

But unlike delete, archive does not seem to have a distinct noun form for the completed act of archiving. Is the following correct, and are there alternatives to that word form?

Archiving complete.

Solution 1:

There is nothing wrong with your original formulation. Archiving is just as valid as deletion.

However, if you don't like the fact that one ends in -ion while the other ends in -ing, you can switch to a more active use of the verbs.

Keeping the capitalization used in the question, it would look like this:

Deleting Session Data …
Session Data deleted.

Archiving Session Data …
Session Data archived.