Server admin community on a blog platform? [closed]

I'm wondering if there is a site out there where server admins congregate and post useful bits and pieces. Server Fault for example is a great Q&A site and Slashdot Journal Entries could be useful if I was more a PFY than BOFH ;)

The reason for my thought is that I have been writing some powershell scripts for doing bulk administration of iLO interfaces that seems to work nicely, and I think there would be others who would like these scripts. I am thinking about a blog format so I can annotate, etc.

I don't really think a script repository site is the most useful - I don't go looking for script repositories in google, I google for what I am after. Also, ideally, I don't want to have to maintain my own blog and build an audience - I'd rather fit in with a group of other admins.

Does anyone know if such a site exists? If not, I might just have to scare everyone with my exceptional use of iWeb :)

Most people have a blog, and publish their snippets there. They congregate by having their blogs published on systems administration planets, which you can keep up with via a newsreader. They communicate as a community using trackbacks, openid, etc.