Why is Chrome freezing?

Solution 1:

It is a bug of GPU acceleration. You can disable it in chrome command line. Add these parameters in chrome command line. --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer

Solution 2:

I had the exact same problem with the same symptoms. The fix on this page did it for me.

To summarise:

  1. Type in about:plugins into the address bar.
  2. Press the Details + button at the top right of the list.
  3. Find Adobe Flash Player on the list. There should be two files under that entry.
  4. For the entry under Chrome e.g found at C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\....click Disable.
  5. Restart Google Chrome.

Although this worked for me, I can't be sure it will for you. I hope it does, give it a try.

Solution 3:

I too was having a similar problem with Chrome. I was able to fix it by stopping the following services.

  • McAfee HIPSCore Service
  • McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention Service

Once these services were stopped, chrome.exe was removed from Task Manager and then I was able to restart Chrome.

Here's the link to the Google Product Forums post.

I hope this helps someone else too!